
Showing posts from December, 2018

Apply For Content Marketing Internship at Weintern

Writing is a dream job, but not for everyone. Some writers are hired to write product descriptions for catalogs, and some turn out to be J.K. Rowling. Unfortunately, however, most writers have a better chance of writing product descriptions than they do of becoming best-selling authors. The reason is that each form of content writing has its own style. News is delivered AP style, in short, informational paragraphs with the meat of the story at the top. Blogging is personable, friendly and often opinionated. Ad copy is short and persuasive. White papers are long, they describe a problem and provide the solution. But, regardless, each and every category is content, and each style writers master makes them more valuable and in demand. “Ideation” is a marketing industry buzzword that describes the creative process of finding a subject, title and angle to write about and ideation begins with analytics. Most ideation is done in a team setting, but freelance writers are usually